Hello World!
As a married couple well into our third decade we have observed, grown and learned so much together. By living smart, healthy, financially responsible and having some luck along the way we are now both semi- retired with more time to enjoy together. While sitting back with our additional spare time and sharing a bottle of wine, we have been able to reflect on our lives together. Looking into that mirror, we have been able to catalogue the changes we have witnessed and identified what has made us successful in life. We have created this blog to share our life experiences that have contributed to our success.
We met in 1986, were engaged six months later and were married in 1988 with a near net $0 in our bank accounts. Our backgrounds are diverse, Puerto Rican and Italian. It is one of our strengths. We have two “Italia-Rican” children, who we had to categorize for the census and Susie came up with this description. We live for the four F’s…Family, Food, Friends and Fun. In our cultures, food brings everyone together. In the Italian household it was Sunday Pasta with meatballs and sausage. In the Puerto Rican household it was Sunday with arroz con pollo. Family, food, fun and bold flavors was the common denominator at each household. While delicious, each cuisine was also loaded with fat and carbs which we have learned cannot be a major part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
Over our 35 plus years together we have modified our diet and Lifestyle as nutritional guidelines and exercise routines have evolved. We can recall when margarine was a “healthy” substitute for butter and eggs were considered unhealthy. Today, margarine or any other “fake” food should never be consumed and eggs are one of the best sources of protein. Our diet has continuously evolved with changes to nutritional guidelines.
Our Background
I am a science geek with a degree in meteorology, atmospheric science and environmental science with a proficiency in math. This provided an advantage as I was always interested in the market and have done fairly well. Our blog will provide ideas on ways to increase income for your retirement. . I am not certified to provide investment advice. I hope to provide information that will make you a better client when it comes to interacting with your investment advisor.
My wife is the creative one. She has involved herself in a number of at home businesses and raised our two amazing children. We both have a love of food and obsess over trying unique international cuisines especially those with loud and bold flavors. While we are not dieticians, we follow the mantra to eat heathy 5 days a week. During the week we have a stable of healthy quick dinners that we rotate and on the weekends is when we get adventurous. We hope to share recipes of healthy foods we include as part of our diet, and weekend meals that are a bit more substantive. Everyone must find what works best for them. We hope that some of our healthy recipes can become a staple in your home and assist you in your journey towards wellness.
What we can do for you
If you want to eat healthy but can’t give up flavor, our blog is for you. We created our blog to assist people in their fifties who now require a healthier diet and active lifestyle. Much of our content and Healthy Recipes would assist people of any age. We both refuse to waste calories on food that tastes like nothing. Food should not just be nutritional, it should also be one of life’s pleasures. We are confident that subscribers to the fiftiesfightclub.com will discover healthy meal ideas that will improve their nutrition and Weekend Meals that are a bit more decadent. Proper nutrition is the foundation to a healthy and active lifestyle.
While providing you with options to improve your nutrition, we will also explore ways to improve your lifestyle and financial health. We will explore activities we enjoy in and outside the home and throw in financial ideas that can help you achieve the independence necessary to enjoy such a lifestyle. We are not dieticians or physicians and suggest consulting with your doctor, nutritionist or medical professional to discuss your dietary goals.