Many of you have asked us how to eat healthily. Whether it’s taking care of your health or your figure, diet is key! And if you eat healthier, the results will soon come: you will feel better in your head but also in your body.

To eat healthily, you just need to follow a few basic principles. If you are a nutrition expert, we will probably not teach you anything, but it is always good to have in mind these essential rules for rebalancing your diet. And if you are recently interested in nutrition and want to pay more attention to what you put on your plate, follow these 5 golden rules for healthy eating.

Before revealing these 5 rules, keep in mind that home cooking is one of the keys to healthy eating. By cooking yourself, you will have control over the ingredients that you add (or not!) to your plate. Rather than prepared meals (often full of additives), home cooking will allow you to have total transparency about your diet. Finally, keep restaurants as a bonus to treat yourself from time to time!

Integrate Fiber

Why Integrate Fiber?

Fiber is essential if you are wondering how to eat healthily. Indeed, fiber helps promote satiety. A meal rich in fiber is a meal that will take several hours to be digested by your body and therefore will fill you up for the duration. This will prevent you from getting cravings two hours after lunch! Fiber also helps slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the body. They therefore promote a diet with a moderate or low glycemic index.

How to Integrate Fiber?

To consume fiber, favor fresh fruits and vegetables. Also prefer legumes: chickpeas, lentils, or split peas… Finally, you will find fiber in oilseeds like almonds, hazelnuts, and cashews. You can also choose unrefined flours. In the U.S., opt for whole wheat flour instead of refined flours, such as cake flour. For example, try incorporating whole grains into your recipes for added fiber.

Prioritize Good Fats

Why Choose Good Fats?

It is often thought that fat should be banned for those who want to eat healthily, but that’s not entirely accurate. There are different types of fat: the “good” fats (monounsaturated and polyunsaturated) and the “bad” fats (saturated and trans fats). Good fats can benefit heart health, while bad fats increase cholesterol, heightening the risk of cardiovascular incidents. Limiting bad fats while prioritizing good ones is essential for a balanced diet.

How to Prioritize Good Fats?

Good fats are found in plant-based products such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, avocado oil, and, in moderation, coconut oil. Bad fats, such as those found in processed seed oils like canola or corn oil, should be avoided, as they may promote inflammation. Instead, replace butter with olive oil in your cooking, and choose white meat and fish over red meat. These choices will help maintain heart health and reduce overall fat intake.

Limit Salt

Why Limit Salt?

It’s well-known that chefs often go heavy on salt, as it enhances flavors. However, if you want to eat healthily, salt should be limited. According to the World Health Organization, daily salt intake should be no more than 5g/day. On average, though, most people consume far more than that. Excessive salt consumption can lead to high blood pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

How to Limit Salt?

Salt is found in large quantities in processed products, as it acts as both a preservative and a flavor enhancer. To reduce your salt intake, avoid processed foods and opt for spices, herbs, and aromatics to season your dishes. You can gradually train your palate to enjoy less salty foods. For example, check out our site’s [Spice Recipe Collection] to discover ways to enhance flavor without salt.

Limit Sugar

Why Limit Sugar?

Excessive sugar is incompatible with a healthy diet. While sugar is a source of energy, in large quantities, it is converted into fat and stored in the body. This can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of type 2 diabetes.

How to Limit Sugar?

To limit sugar intake, avoid processed foods, as they often contain hidden sugars. Even savory items like sauces can be loaded with sugar. Reserve desserts for special occasions, and consider healthier, low-glycemic index (GI) alternatives for everyday indulgence. Check out our low-GI dessert recipes on the site for some delicious, healthy options.

Drink Water

Why Drink Water?

If you are wondering how to eat healthily, hydration is key to a balanced diet. Our bodies are made up of about 60% water, which helps all our cells function properly. Throughout the day, we lose water through breathing, sweating, and urination, so it’s crucial to replace what we lose.

How to Ensure Good Hydration?

To ensure proper hydration, drink water regularly throughout the day, especially in warm weather or after physical activity. You can also include water-rich foods, like fruits and vegetables, in your diet. Instead of juices, which are often high in sugar, stick with water. Check out our [Soup Recipe Collection] for ideas to stay hydrated through nutritious, water-based dishes.

For more easy, healthy, and 100% homemade recipes explained step-by-step by chefs, explore the recipe sections on our site. You’ll discover a variety of delicious meals that will support your healthy eating journey


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